Double date at The Cheesecake Factory
Dinner at Olive Garden
My daddy and me at Olive Garden
Smiley me after mom helped me tint and shape my eyebrows
Sexy cross-eyed Shelsi
Hello Lovely People!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!! Unfortunately this update isn’t going to have good news like we had hoped to give. I still have hope and faith that we will get through this bump in the road like we have done throughout this entire year. I know it is thanks to all of your love and prayers and the power of priesthood blessings. I really appreciate all of your faith and support that you have given to my family and me. I got admitted to the hospital last Tuesday like I always do. I was hoping to leave Saturday like I was able to last round but my white blood cell count was too low. I thought for sure I’d be leaving Sunday. Nope. I cried when they told me they were making me stay another night. They wanted me to wait until my regular doctor could see me and decide if I could go home Monday. I was so frustrated. I just wanted to go home with my husband and sleep in my own bed. I was feeling a little better later so I told Eric he could go home so he could work in the morning since he would be taking Thursday and Friday off for the holiday. Monday morning came and a new doctor came in and told me my white count was up from 1.7 to 1.9 but that I still had to wait to see my doctor because that still might not be high enough. Around 3 I broke into tears again because my doctor had still not been by and I wanted so badly to go home. All day I kept asking my nurse if she had any idea when my doctor would be coming by. She didn’t. I even called my doctors nurse but she was at the hospital getting a cast put on her broken arm. Finally around 4:30 my doc came in along with my neurosurgeon who performed my craniotomy, another doctor, and a couple nurses. I thought to myself, this can’t be good. Usually it’s just my doctor and maybe his nurse who come see me. He asked me if I had any idea what was going on with my last MRI scan. I told him I hadn’t been able to find out anything about it since I had been at the hospital. They told me that they saw a small spot of tumor in my brain again about the size of a marble. I was in shock. The methotrexate that I was being given just wasn’t strong enough to kill remaining cancer cells so the darn little things started to grow into an ugly mass again. I was trying so hard not to fall apart in front of everyone. It was hard to hold back the tears but I didn’t let them fall down my cheeks. Not then, anyways. They told me that most likely the next step will be radiation and a stem cell transplant with intense chemotherapy, even more intense than what I have already gotten. They weren’t sure when everything would begin, but they knew that they wanted it to be soon. When they left the room I closed my door and balled like a baby. I called my husband, sobbing, then my dad, sobbing, then my mom, sobbing, etc. My sweet husband took the news so well. His voice and words stayed positive and upbeat. I was grateful for that. My dad came to pick me up from the hospital. We had a nice ride home together. Tuesday my mom came to visit and help me out. We had some fun girly time shaping (she had to rip off my wax strip cuz I just couldn't pull myself to do it. Ouch!!) and tinting our eyebrows and laughing hysterically at really silly scary pictures of me. The Monday before I went back to the hospital my dad and his fiancĂ© Gretchen took Eric and I out for our anniversary. We went to Olive Garden and had a very nice time. The Friday before that we double dated with a young couple whom we have known for a while. We went to Cheesecake Factory. It was really good! Well, that is the latest news. I am doing very well and look forward to the near future when I can finally say I battled cancer and won!
I love you all!!